Saturday, January 18, 2014

Is This Real Life?

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I say this a million times a day..usually when someone/thing has pissed me off. But today is different. I just a made a gah damn blog! Who woulda thunk it? Not I, said the fly. I've been reading other folks' blogs for a little over a year now, and then a little thought came to me...why not me?

I've lost a pretty significant amount of weight. 60 pounds - hollaaaaa
I have a pretty hilarious life (according to others, surely not myself....)
I'm 22 and I most definitely am nowhere close to having my shit together.
All of these things considered, I decided a blog was in my best interest, since lord knows I have nothing better to do..

So what's this shit even gonna be out, you ask? Well. I'd say it's gonna be lil mixxy poo of losing weight in a non douchebag-holier than thou-way, my struggle/failure in finding a full time job, my random part time job as well as my new temp job, my literal psychopath of a dog named Tiger, and general hilarity that is my family.

I plan on making this fancier with a sweet template and such, but for now, this is what you get folks. sorry bout it. sorry not sorry.

Also I like how I'm writing this as if I have an audience. It's fine, I'm ambitious. mmkay?

First post done. BOOM.

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