Monday, January 27, 2014

Low key weekend, and by low key I mostly hungover.

So this weekend was pretty stellar. Friday night I went to the gym and then sat on my ass in front of the tv with my dog and boyfriend, because that's what young and vivacious 22 year olds do, dammit. I promise I'm actually not that boring..ugh. I'm not convincing you. Whatever. Moving on.

I worked at doggy daycare Saturday morning - always a treat/clusterfuck. No dog fights or crazy customers, so I'll call it a treat this time. It was especially treatful because demon baby, Tiger didn't come with me this time. She has the really bad aggression issue where she randomly attacks other dogs. So she doesn't exactly get to come with me all the time.. yea.

Saturday night rolled around and I had plans to go out with the gal pals for one of their birthdays. I've been friends with the same group of girls since 7th grade and can honestly say we're all still super close and actually like each other. Weird, right? Well, it was Maggie's celebration so we hit up DC with our man friends and got wild. There are no actual photographic documentations of the actual wildness, but trust me, it was a good night. I at least have some before pics.

lol jk, that's all I have. Apparently I only took a few with my own phone. Such is life.

Tried to hit up this amaaaazing food place called Avocado Cafe afterwards, and of course my GPS is like, bitch go home you don't need food. Asshole. So I had to resort to a 711 hotdog in my drunken stupor. And even then I didn't get the hot dog I wanted.. first world problem? Probably. DON'T CARE. Woke up the next day, felt like death warmed over, soooo I slept till 12:30. no regrets, folks, no regrets.

I had a big ole sub and slept the rest of the day....till the Grammys! Duh. You think I'd miss my girl Sara Bareilles performing? Um, no. She did amazing, per usual. Went to sleep wayyyy past this girl's bedtime and regretted this morning. I survived though. That's all that matters. Didn't weigh myself this morning though, because hotdogs. And alcohol. And cookie cake? Yea.. that would've been ugly.

Which reminds me, my weight loss story comin tomorrowww! Oh shit!

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