Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Humpity Hump Dayyy!

HUMP DAYEEEE! I love that camel. I don't care if it's played out. I do what I want! Today I'm linking up with Vodka and Soda for Humpday Confessions because everyone else is doing it and I feel left out dammit!

I'm probably doing it all wrong. Oh well. I tried.

My confessions will be all over the place, just go with it mmmkay?

Once it hits 3:30 at work, I'm preeeetty much guarenteed to not do much else for the rest of the work day. I mean, if my boss passes me, of course I'm gonna look super busy, but I'm mentally clocked out. My job can be stressful sometimes, but I get most everything done by 2:30 or so, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna file old paperwork for the rest of the day..unless my boss wants me to fall asleep under my desk...just sayin.

I'm a nazi about the kitchen and bathroom being clean, but everything else is fairrr game. I give zero fucks about the living room and bedroom being clean and it drives Leon crazy. I've received many a text message from my beloved boyfriend about my shit being errywhere and I'm terribly embarassed.... #not. I really do mean to clean up after myself, but then I'm in a rush aaaand yea it's a tornado when Leon get's home and I'm sitting on the couch like...

I'm workin on it ok?

I may or may not have just eaten a large amount of pretzels. I need to do better planning out my meals during the day because I got home and was RAVENOUS. We're planning to go out on a double date in a bit with some friends so I held out on my usual afternoon snack, but obviously that shit didn't work because I got home with some intense tunnel vision/bee-lining for the cabinets. At least I already took a look at the menu for the restaurant and planned what I'm gonna eat/my macros. Back to the drawing board tomorrow. I looked like this guy when I came in. I also just laughed for a solid five minutes.

That's allllll folks. Date night time!


  1. i'm the same, come 3pm, i'm out. i will get up and leave to go home and don't care who sees me!

    thanks for linking up!
    Vodka and Soda

  2. Oh man, that's funny. I do the exact same thing with cleaning. Seriously, my side of our bedroom looks like the closet exploded and I have no shame. But my bathroom looks AWESOME!

    And that last gif made me snort laugh.

  3. BAHAHA deep fried butter. Hilarious! And I TOTALLY tend to mentally checkout at work around that time too. I usually work so much better at night. Why? Who the hell knows lol. Love your blog! Definitely your latest follower. Boom! :)

  4. My work day is from 06-noon, and if someone needs something before 0730 I get irrationally angry. I refuse to start anything 15-30 minutes before leaving time, because I know once I start one thing, 4 more things will need to get done and nope, ain't got time.
