Friday, May 30, 2014

Sorry I'm Not Sorry Link Up!

Hey friends!

So I'm trying to do this link up with Crystal Michelle's Mess and I'm actually just blogger challenged haha. Ok I think I figured it out. Probably not. Whatever.

First things first, one of my favorite bloggers, the fabulous Holly at Where We Can Live Like Jack & Sally, has posted her final blog post. Can we just talk about the little baby tears that were forming in my eyeballs while reading her post? I was at my desk with this depressed/pathetic look on my face. It's fine. Go on over and read some of her posts, you'll feel sad too. Because Holly is freakin hilarious. She was the first blog I sponsored and I really felt like I was being taken under a mama bird's wing. Le sigh...the blog world is a little less bright today.

On to the link up!

It's with Crystal Michelle's Mess and Hands on Pants Off and I'm excited because I'm slightly crazy as it is, so this just gives me another reason to publicize my crazy. This is the pet peeve edition, so here we gooo:

1. Sorry I'm Not Sorry..but if your hair is lookin all sorts of jacked up in public, I will most likely call you out and I will most likely not be nice about it. I am allll for the messy bun lady friends, don't get me wrong. And I'm all about lookin like a hobo in the confines of your humble abode. But when that messy bun has lint stuck to it or it looks like you took some bizarre ass color that did not grow out of your head and placed it in your head anyways, and you are over the age of 17, you look a hot ass mess. And for my black lady friends, if I see you in your night scarf or hair bonnet, we. will. have. issues. Pleaseeee just don't do it. If you don't know what a hair bonnet is.....
you're welcome.

2. Sorry I'm Not Sorry..but country music makes me want to do mean things to puppies. And you guys know how I feel about puppies/dogs. (Speaking of dogs, my dog, Tiger, got expelled from daycare today hahaha my life is a mess) I just can't do country music. Maybe it's the general theme of it all that just makes me laugh at it..instead of with it. Is that rude? Probably. It all sounds the same to me. Dogs on porches, rebel flags, beer, christmas lights in july....I CAN'T.

3. Sorry I'm Not Sorry..ok this is a really weird pet peeve, but when people don't finish stories I get VERY ANGRY. For example, if we're talking and you're telling me a story/anything and you get distracted, I'll get annoyed. But when I reel your ass back in, and you say, "Oh wait, what was I saying? What were we talking about?", I feel like you've given me permission to light your hair on fire. Why weren't you paying attention!? Now I'm invested in this and you've moved on!!....I literally sound like a psychopath.

4. Sorry I'm Not Sorry..but if you do not know the rules of right-of-way, you don't need a license. You should just take public transportation forever because right now you're in danger of being rear ended by an angry black girl in an SUV who is tired of your shenanigans. You wanna see crazy? Put someone who drives slow, and doesn't know that it's their turn to go through the intersection in front of me. Woooo lawdy.

5. Sorry I'm Not Sorry.. but if you're any kind of instagram fitness/lifestyle account, but you're NOT a certified...anything, CUT THE SHIT with your wack ass meal plans and workout plans. Whooooo in the hell told you that you were qualified to do that? Just because whatever the hell you did worked for you, does NOT mean that you should become SueAnn's personal trainer/coach/guru/bff Jill. Especially when you've never met SueAnn and you're charging her SueAnn precious dollhairs that she could save to buy herself a damn gym membership and some freakin vegetables. Nothing pisses me off more. I don't wanna be that crazy person on instagram who goes around bashing people, so I just keep my opinions to myself and unfollow, but one of these days I'm gonna flip a shit on someone. 

6. Sorry I'm Not Sorry.. but if you judge dogs by their breed I'm gonna go find a really angry chocolate lab and that little sucker run rampant on your ass just to prove you wrong. Crazy dogs are crazy dogs. Yes, my pit bull/jack russell terrier mix is a freakin terrorist and is aggressive towards people and dogs, but I have no doubt that if she were a chihuahua raised in the same environment, she would still be a terrorist. Note: my dog was crazy when I got her, I didn't make her crazy! I'm a hella obsessive good dog mom. 

7. Sorry I'm Not Sorry.. but when bloggers do product review posts for dumb products I get super annoyed. I know your ass is getting paid to do it, so at least make it a good product that I might wanna use and that actually fits into a post. Like gahhhh damn. The best product you could find to review/get paid for was a freakin Bic Pen? Seriously? Yes, everyone uses pens, but your story about your bic pen is completely forced and irrelevant to life. One more time and you lose a follower on bloglovin. And I know that shit is precious to you, because you're writing fuckin bic pen reviews. End rant.

8. Sorry I'm Not Sorry... but it really bothers me when people look at other people's food and turn up their noses/say "what is that?" or something to that effect. I don't know why. Probably because I was the kid who actually enjoyed the cafeteria food in highschool and in college #awkward. To this day if someone says that, I look at them with the most serious face, and say, "dog poop". I'm an immature child. I know.

9. Sorry I'm Not Sorry.. but if you're walking slow in the mall, I will be that over dramatic person behind you that all but shoves you out of the way. I understand window shopping, I really do. But get out da way if you're doin that. Another thing with people in the mall is the people who think it's ok to come to a DEAD halt in the middle of the walkway. Like hello, no not ok. Trying to walk here. Love that scene from Ms. Congeniality.

10. Sorry I'm Not Sorry..but if you doubt mine or any woman's ability to lift weights/grow muscles, I will cut your pinky toe off. And you know you need that guy for balance. So just don't do it. Because women are bad ass bitches from hell and we don't take shit from nobody. And it's just common sense that obviously women can grow muscles. So you just sound dumb. This jackass in the gym found it necessary to educate me on the kind of shoes I should wear while lifting and he just made it so easy for me to completely shut him down. He told me I should wear my running shoes instead of converse. YEA OK BRO. Just because I wear cute outfits, make sure my headband/shirts match, and my boobs are on the big side, doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doin homie. Back up off me, or I will get sassy.

This was really fun and I feel like I got a lot off my chest, so thanks for that blog friends.
Got work in the morning because I'm about that part time plus full time work life. Lol jk no I'm not, I'm quitting my part time, hopefully sooner rather than later. But I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

What are some of your pet peeves? Please tell me so I don't feel crazy..



  1. Seriously, these are funny! And I love all your threats to these folks . . . my favorites being I will light your hair on fire and I will cut your pinkie toe off! Good stuff!

    And I am also super sad about Holly signing off the blog world! Have a great weekend!!

  2. I am slowly raising my hand to #2 but fear you will light me on fire. I am not stereotypical, but hillbilly blood runs deep and I can't quit it. Ha. Ain't nothing wrong with cheap beer and Christmas lights! Thanks for linking up!

  3. Totally agree on #2!

  4. NUMBER EIGHT! Thank you! Seriously, do not judge what I am eating because guess what, it's going in my stomach not yours. So let me eat my cafeteria or bowling alley pizza (which I just adore).
    And people who judge dogs on breeds need to get their asses chewed on by little fluffy shitzus! I have friends who have the kindest pitts in the world. The one thinks he is a lapdog and will crawl in your lap if you are petting him just to get closer to you. Good for you for raising a challenging dog as best as you can. My dog ate wallpaper when I first got her. And chewed on the kitchen cabinets.

  5. #9 is the truest thing ever. I'm that weirdo who passes the slow walkers and I'm not subtle about it. If I have to zig zag the mall to get around the slow pokes, so be it.
